Monday, June 1, 2015

How Reality TV Has Helped My Writing

One of the questions authors get asked all the time is, “Where does the inspiration for your characters come from?”

This is actually a two part question because they could be referring to either the character’s personality type/character traits or the actual appearance/physical look of a character.

In my case, the inspiration for both personality and appearance a lot of times comes from—believe it or not—reality TV.

The main show I watch that produces the inspiration is of course The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. I write romance so what better source, right? Some people may say, Why do you even watch such an awful show? It’s all fake, you know.

I’m not naïve. I know reality TV isn’t really reality. But I don’t believe it is all fake. Do the producers hand pick contestants that they know will cause the most drama? Absolutely. Do they create situations to intentionally cause drama? Absolutely. Do they look for contestants with clashing personalities in order to stir up drama? Absolutely. And you know why?

Because no one would watch the show if it wasn’t orchestrated that way! Reality is boring (at times). So in order to keep the viewers hooked they have to amp up the drama.

But this is precisely why this show gives me so many ideas for characters. These people have big personalities, glaring faults, clash with other contestants who have different personalities, worldviews, backgrounds, and character traits and this is precisely what I need to develop interesting, relatable characters.

Not all of my characters are based off reality stars, however. As far as just the physical appearance, sometimes—like many other authors—I picture my characters to look like a famous person, movie star, athlete, etc. But it just so happens that the book I’m plotting for now, the physical inspiration for my two main characters has come from the TV show The Bachelor.

TV isn’t the only place I glean inspiration from for characters though. Another favorite place is, of course, my real life! The people I know!

For example, one of my upcoming book ideas has a character who is inspired by a past coworker.

So be very careful…or you might just end up in one of my novels.

And you won’t necessarily be the good guy either J